this may be a silly question.... how do i get my angel wing begonia to bloom? we've had it for years, and it has grown to the ceiling, beautiful HUGE leaves. never once have i seen a bloom! a google image search provides many results with flowers... see pictures below of my plants. maybe it is not an angel wing? are there kinds of angel wings that don't bloom? thanks! ~erin ps: the larger begonia is actually a cutting from the smaller one! years ago...
My book on angelwing begonia " B. 'Corallina de Lucerna' " is a fibrous-rooted begonia. Proper Care: grown primarily for their foliage need bright light without direct sunlight. Those grown principally for their flowers need three to four hours a day of direct sunlight. All begonias suffer in dry air. For increased humidity stand pots on trays of moist pepples. Water actively growing plants moderately, allowing the top inch of the potting mixture to dry out before watering again. Apply standard liquid fertilizer every two weeks to actively growing plants. Hope this helps....
question i had just got mine a couple of months ago i really don't know how to take care of it if you have any suggestiobns i'd be very thankfull omni
HI:) Was going to join this group tried my favorite name and password and it worked *LOL Wasn't that nice *LOL I was searching on how to make the Angel Begonia bloom.I do not /better said have not used MGrow in years but now I have indoor flowering plants and they aren't blooming. I did get one bloom from one of my AB but that was it. I have been searching on and off on how to get it to bloom organically you know like using coffee grinds or tea leaves,something like that. Sad to say I came up void, if anyone knows what I can use it will be most helpful,I love my AB and they bloom so beautifully when they do. I have tried to put some outside in full shade and they didn't do well there so I have been moving her/them to all different places after a few weeks.I know about the no direct full sun; burnt some leaves with just a few minutes of full morning sun from inside my house:( she is a chore to take care of, I know it shouldn't be though. Ill wait to see if someone actually knows what can be used to give a big display of blooms:D Thank You !! BTW yes, they are Angel Begonias!! Beautiful! Kale:)