Hi everyone I'm not sure of the correct name for these plants but I've grown them for the last few years. A neighbour gave me a couple of babies and I have kept them in the greenhouse over the winter. They have lovely big yellow or orange trumpet like flowers that bloom all summer and quite large leaves and tall stalks that branch out. Mine have grown very tall now and I've had them in the same large pots for the last couple of years. They do dry out quickly though so it may be time to transplant them which will be difficult as they are so big. They do seem to do fine though as long as I water them daily with a little miracle grow. They do have some bugs on them though and I've been spraying them with insecticidal soap so hopefully this will help. These bugs leave marks on the leaves and the new buds have kind of a film or something on them which I wipe off. Should I be using something different to get rid of these bugs? If anyone knows anything about these beautiful plants I would appreciate any info. Thanks. Rosemary
please post pics of the plants/flowers as well as the bugs and the damage that they're causing. from your description, i'd say that what you have are brugmansia...can't be sure without seeing pics, though.
Sorry Joclyn but my digital camera just broke so I need to buy a new one but they are the Brugmansia Angel Trumpets but I don't know what these bugs are. I'll keep spraying them and hopefully they will be fine. One thing is these bugs have not affected how great the plants are growing and one is already blooming and the weather has not been that great here in South Surrey and I took them out of the greenhouse two weeks ago so I'm sure I'll be able to get rid of these bugs and they will thrive. I've also read up on the internet that it's quite easy to start new plants from the mature ones. You just cut off a branch and put it in some water for a bit and then put some stim-root on the end of the stalk and plant it and it should grow so I'm going to try that. Thanks for your help. Rosemary
All Daturas are notorious for getting aphids, your bug problem sounds similar to them. When aphid population get quite concentrated, they will begin to develop wings for dispersal. Is your bug problem quite large or just a few here and there?