American Gooseberry (Ribes hirtellum)

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada 14 June 2008 American Gooseberry (Ribes hirtellum)

    This American Gooseberry bush was planted in the Spring of 2005. In 2006 after fruiting the foliage was attacked by a fungus (Downey Mildew) which devastated the leaves, but apparently had no lasting harmful effects. Since then, when watering, I avoid wetting the foliage.

    The berries are sweet about 1.5 cm in diameter with a bit of a tart tang, which varies with the degree of ripeness. I mix them with my raspberries and eat as a fruit dish with cream or milk or, sometimes simply put in the blender and make juice with other fruits. 1 August 2008 American Gooseberry (Ribes hirtellum)
    First picking of the fruit. There will be another picking when the remaining berries ripen. The berries of this type always have a tart flavour. 2 August Comparing Berries of European and American Gooseberry
    The American type changes colour from green to reddish, and the European stays green, when ripe. The European has no tart flavour, and is very pleasant to eat raw.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008

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