Do any of you - aside from work - have a garden that you are proud of or enjoy? This website takes photos and a few paragraphs - it explains there. It need not be pro stuff. It's a 1 to 10 range of displayed gardens. It's done in very good taste. In fact, when you click to enter, you might click the link of the web designer at the bottom, and check out the portfolio. I like the choice of colors. It's a fun opportunity for any gardener. What I just noticed, she added another site - for you Canadians... Really, just about anyone can get in there. Check it out. I repost this on forums every so often. It takes a while for this kind of site to fill up. Plenty of room for more gardeners.
Thanks. Actually, that was a design project. But I have all those same plants myself. Styrax has worked well for me so far. Hope to see a few more people pop up on those Garden Museum websites. I saw a post on another garden forum from someone who submitted too. Next time I call my cousins in Vancouver B.C., I'm going to mention it. By the way, I was born in Vancouver, B.C., when my parents lived within 10 blocks of Kitsilano - Kitz - beach. I really like Stanley park when I visit. When I was young, I enjoyed visits to a friend's home in North Van, about 1 mile uphill from Lion's Gate bridge. Some business nearby, had one of the old James Bond movie's cars.