I got these amaryllis bulbs on sale and put them in pots and they put out lovely flowers and then leaves. Not much has happened since. They are not unattractive. They are inside. About as much light as one can get inside, many big windows, almost a greenhouse room. Summer temperatures have been 68-79oF. Winter temperatures will be about 65-70oF. I read many places about doing this or that to get them to bloom again. What happens if I just leave them there in the pots?
Mine are outside at the moment but they will come in before the frost. I believe that provided the green leaves are allowed to grow on after flowering the bulb increases in size and will flower again. One year the main bulb rotted away because of over watering but the little "baby" it had produced grew on and flowered beautifully last Christmas.There will be others on the site who are probably more experienced amaryllis growers and hopefully they jump in with more info. Good luck. They are beautiful flowers. Margaret