Thanks:), so is this a 100% type of answer? I am looking to prepare and ingest them, dont wanna get the wrong kind..
Well, don't! Amanita muscaria is toxic, and can cause severe poisoning, as well as very unpleasant forms of hallucination.
I have done a bit of online research and some sources say if you dry and then boil the mushroom it removes most of the toxins and the hallucinogenic factor is more viable, is this true?
Don't they eat them regularly in parts of japan? Not that I'm encouraging anyone to eat them but they do appear to have a long history of being detoxified and eaten:
Properly detoxified, Amanita muscaria is often eaten: indeed, mushroom expert David Arora often serves it during workshops (lots of youtube videos/posts about this). However careful preparation is required, so it's a highly qualified "yes", and the consequences of getting it wrong can be serious. Plenty of online info. about this, covering a range of opinions, and outlining the method(s) of preparation, I'd research the heck out of it (not a bit, but a lot) before considering giving it a try, and as always one has to weight the risks (potentially high) with the benefits (which can also be high, but in a different way). A valuable discussion of the topic can be found here:, and does a good job of presenting both sides of the question. A good starting point for your research.