Hi everyone, I'm new here. I bought this plant at a home depot this weekend and was hoping someone might be able to help me ID the species. It rang up at the register as a 3" aloe. The leaves are kind of squishy with a point on the end of them. My girlfriend refers to them as grape like.
Thanks for the help, upon doing some research, I see they are closely related to the aloe species that is probly why they messed up down there. I have learned not to trust the store for specis id on previous purchases. I have found a couple diffrent varietys of haworthia that look similar to mine so I believe you are right. I have found retusa, cooper, and turgida on the net with pictures that look similar to it. Thanks again for the help now i can get an idea how to care for it, first giving it a bigger pot and free draining soil.
it's not so much the store as it is the supplier...they're known for tagging things incorrectly and then, you have those idiots in the stores (customers, kids, etc) that decide to have 'fun' and switch tags out... good luck with them - they're a little bit more finicky than aloe.
Be aware that care instructions on those tags for any plant should be taken with a grain, or two, of salt.
there was no tag with care instructions, thats why i was so anxious to get an id on this. the only clue i got came from the recipt saying 3" aloe...i managed to find a couple web sites with some care instructions, as far as i've got they like more water than your adverage succulent and not much direct sunlight or because they burn easily, reminds me of me being a red head and all i cant take much direct sunlight either :)