Hello, First off, I'll just say that my aloe plant has been re-potted, a month or two ago. His original pot was too small, and he was root-bound. His soil is regular potting soil, which I know isn't the best. If he lives, I'll change it to sandier soil. He hadn't been getting enough water, so he was using p his own supply of aloe. When I re-potted him, and gave him enough water, he seemed to stop. The leaves havn't filled up at all, though. The problem is that today I noticed very small, short, white bug-things squirming around in his pot when I watered him. I used soil from the same bag, when I planted another aloe leaf, and I couldn't spot any of the bugs in that pot, so I believe it's just this one aloe plant. I also noticed today that the tips of his leaves are deflating again, like they did when he didn't have enough water (but when he didn't have enough water, it would start from the base of the leaf, not the top.) The tips also seem to be turning a deeper green than the rest of him. Should I be concerned about the bugs in his soil? Even if I shouldn't be, how can I kill them without hurtying the plant? I appreciate any help I can get.
Sounds like you have fungus gnats. Which means that it's been getting far too much water. Also, that water might have rotted the roots--which is why the leaves didn't fill up again. Always let the soil totally dry out before watering it.