Hi all, A friend of mine has an aloe that is about 3 or 4 yrs. old. The plant has had many "babies" in the past but within the last year or so it has stopped producing any new additions. Can anyone give me some information as to why this might be happening?
Has it been repotted lately? If it hasn't been repotted then that might be a good thing to do. A bit of fresh soil and some room to grow might help. Does it get fed? is it still growing? Need more info.
It has been growing great the branches/leaves at the base are up to 3" wide and 1" thick. I'll check with her about feeding and I don't think she has re-potted it in a while. Thanks for the info, I will get more info and get back to you. I think the re-potting idea will work though..I thought about suggesting that very thing to her but with a spider plant, you know, it will produce more sprouts when rootbound, however I don't have much knowledge regarding aloe.
Some aloes grow during winter and rest in spring and summer. That might be one reason the plant stopped producing shoots. If it has stopped growing hold back on watering and don't feed it until you see new signs of growth. Forcing it with fertilizer will do more harm than good. Aloes also produce fairly large root systems. Make sure the plant is not pot-bound so there is ample room for new roots to grow .. but at the same time don't put it in a pot way too large for it. Repotting annually into fresh soil mix is a good idea. Aloes and most other succulents should be fed with a good houseplant fertilizer with trace elements .. at 1/4 strength recommended on the label for non succulent plants.