I bought this guy last spring and it has not grown much since. I'm certain this is an aloe, but what kind? I have searched and searched and cannot find a match. I know one of you out there can ID this guy. Anyone? Thanks in advance.
There are a lot of aloe species and hybrids, but you can't go too far off by giving it good succulent care (water well then let dry in summer, minimal water in winter, pot in well draining soil, lots of light but not all take the mid-day heat, etc.) When did you pot your plant? It might be spending it's time developing roots? Two spotted aloes are A. variegated (tiger aloe; white spotted boat-shaped green leaves) and a hybrid like 'White Diamond' which is light green on green leaves. There's lots of others.
I'm not sure on the name, but it looks similar to an Aloe jucunda. http://albino.sub.jp/db/n061/aloe_jucunda.jpg
Bluewing and constantgardner, Thanks for the responses. I researched your comments and you know it does look like the jucunda mentioned. The other two suggestions for spotted aloes I just could not find any photos that match close enough to make the determination. I'm going to give him some fresh soil in the spring and see what happens. Thanks again!