I have an aloe that I think is a barbadensis (I found that googling pics) and the leaves seem to be losing their colour. The green is slowly fading and turning white. Is this normal? Or is it sick? I have it in a window that gets full afternoon light and have been watering it about once every two weeks. I really want to care well for this plant as it was my mother's for many, many years and I inherited it last year when she passed away. I don't really know much about plants and could use some help. Thanks!
You may be over watering. The soil needs to be very coarse so it drains well. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch. Then, water generously. I would not be too worried about the color unless it starts to turn brown or wilt. My aloe barbadensis are a light greenish blue with a thin white film. Hope that helps.