Hello people, I just bought an alocasia from a local shop and after 5 days some big leafs started colouring yellow and showed up some spots. I gave only a glass of water. I believe that is not underwatered or overwatered. Also it is doing gutation. What can be wrong with my alocasia ? Thanks for all your help.
I would say fertilizer burn. According to the info on the Internet can be remedied by soaking the soil with water to flush out excess salts.
The four lowest leaves are afflicted by this but since they are the oldest it could simply be normal leaf senescence (aging). Are the larger ones also showing this condition?
It's possible this is the plant acclimatizing to its new environment. Perhaps it had been raised in a greenhouse where light and humidity levels were much higher. It then follows the plant would go through a process of replacing its leaves with ones that are more suited to the new environment. It would be difficult to explain the sudden change otherwise. The OP did not say the plant had been fertilized. One thing to consider is the quality of the water.
Actually , i did not fertilize the plant. And i used bottled drinking water. At overall , The lowest leafs had a little spots when i bought but in 5 days they at my home they speedy aged in 5 days. The middle leafs just started to show some spots. The top level and new leafs look ok just now.
The plant could be over fertilized shortly before being bought. Are there any reasons ugur that you are reluctant to flush the soil?
Flushing the medium wouldn't hurt but a call to the vendor to see if the plant had been fertilized may be easier. Also, have a look at the following thread which deals with a very similar issue: Alocasia zebrina.
Thanks for all help and suggestions. I changed the place and moved to a brighter place. Now it gets better sunlight. I talked to vendor they told me that the plant not fertilized. Now i am planing to follow the reactions with the new home and new place. I hope it gets better. I ll be updating here.
Hello again, i am here with new updates. I moved my plant to a plece near window where gets better sunlight. I trimmed poor leafs and waited patiently. And the results. It stopped getting worse, now leafs are better condition. Also it gave a new baby leaf. I am adding some photos. Thanks for all your supports.