Maybe someone can help me ID this Alocasia, the leaf in the picture is about 40 cm long. Thanks in advance
G'day Alfonso Maybe it is A. cuprea crossed with something else???? I am just guessing of course... Ed
G'day Jim Maybe you are right, but according to the nursery man this one is a specie But you know that nursery people never tell the.....
I reckon a hybrid. Mick should know... Unfortunately the more I learn the less I trust nursury Id's. I seen one the other day in Townsville labelled Anthurium jenmanii and it was Chlorophytum amaniense, Fireflash!!! Ed
This is one I have not seen before , very nice . It could be a hybrid , either Orchid Jungle or the similar x sedinii or maybe wentii . But wentii appears to hold the foliage more horizontal than vertical.
Alfonso, does it have purple on the underside? Compare with mine What do you think? Ed
Ed yes it does have "purple on the underside", after looking at yours I believe we have the same Alocasia that in other post you named it "A X sedenii"
Alfonso, I haven't heard from you for ages!! Send me an email and let me know how things are going over there. Yes Mick said sedenii on this thread, I just didn't make the connection till later. Yet another plant that we both have my friend... Ed