Looking to purchase some Alocasia or Colocasia bulbs. Can anyone recommend where to buy them? Thanks B_______
Try any local ethnic food market. They are sold as a food in almost all. The corms are the same as what you would buy in a nursery, but normally much cheaper. Try Jamaican, Indian, West Indian, SE Asian and almost any Caribbean ethnic food store. Depending on the ethnic culture and the species being sold the common names used in food stores include Taro, Dasheen, Dachine, Dalo, Eddo, Eddoe, Edda, Eddy Root, Coco Yam, Kalo, Callaloo, Poi, Katchu, Malanga, Yautia, Tannia, Mangarás,Cocoyam, Tajer, Tanier, Taioba, Chou Caribe, and Cascamote. You might want to print a list to take with you since it appears every culture that grows these plants for food has their own name for the corm. And by the way, scientifically they are not bulbs but are known as corms. The store owners can often tell you how best to grow them.
I was very pleased at quality of the picture ,, I took about 20 shots , At first the insects flew away , but after standing very still and using the zoom I managed to get some shots ogf them . I think they are native bees . I have a hive inside my block wall just outside the back door . I did not notice any of them on the many flowers of the large Alocasia portei . Have taken some of the copius pollen produced on it over to the calidora .. fingers crossed it takes .