Alocasia all leaves yellowing

Discussion in 'Araceae' started by Vânia Oliveira, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. Vânia Oliveira

    Vânia Oliveira New Member

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    Good evening!

    I bought my alocasia 5 months ago. She was stable until this weekend when suddenly all of its leaves are turning yellow. Besides, it looks like that most of its roots were fragile and most of them desintegrated.

    Do you know what can be its problem? There is anything I can do to save my alocasia?

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  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Welcome to the Forum!

    If the tubers are firm, I'd say your plant is going dormant for the winter.

    Alocasia Species Care: Winter
    The care that Alocasia needs during the winter varies depending on the climate. In warmer climates or indoors, for instance, Alocasia goes through a dormant period, according to Greenery Unlimited. For Alocasia, including Alocasia polly, dormancy means that the plants cease growing, so it's important to water them much less frequently. Alocasias can get root rot or fungal infections if the soil becomes waterlogged, particularly during the winter when the plants are not growing and need less water.

    Most Alocasia species will not survive in the winter outdoors, according to the Iowa State University, but you can dig up the tubers of some types of Alocasia and store them in a cool and dry place until spring and then replant, according to the University of Illinois. Sometimes, these tubers can live for many years and grow quite large.

    Above excerpted from:
    Alocasia Winter Care

    More on Alocasia care :
    Alocasia Amazonica (not a species), Alocasia x amazonica, Alocasia mortefontanensis André, Alocasia Poly, not 'Polly', Exotic Rainforest rare tropical plants
    Tom Hulse likes this.
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I would also examine the leaves very carefully for small webs, which would indicate spider mites. My Alocasia leavaes were getting to look like that. Once I saw the webs, I washed the leaves at the sink every three days, four times. I didn't worry about getting water in the soil, actually let it run through the soil, but I made sure that the plant didn't sit in water when I was through.

    My indoor plant is producing several new leaves now, in the winter. You posted this in the Indoor and Greenhouse Plants forum, so the instructions for outdoor plants might be less applicable. But the conditions indoor might have changed a lot - less sun? Different watering conditions? In spite of what I said just above, you need to note whether it is not drying out as quickly as before, or is it near a heater and is it drying out more quickly?
    Tom Hulse likes this.
  4. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Marysville, WA USA
    Yes it sure does look like dormancy is setting in. It usually happens from the cooler temps and lower light we can get this time of year. They can definitely regrow from the tubers in spring, but dormancy is a much higher risk of loss than growing straight thru. The plants do not need nor desire a dormancy period. So if you can get it warmer, especially for those cool night temps we get this time of year, and brighter light, then you have an excellent chance of keeping it growing and waking it back up. Those leaves are being abandoned by the plant, so even if they don't have spider mites yet, they soon will very fast if you don't wash the leaves like Wendy mentioned.

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