Does anybody know what kind of plant this is? It appeared in the pot with the other plant, very easy to maintain, doesn’t require very moist soil, no bloom, has been in pot for 2-3 years growing. Thanks! Annette
I am sure someone will give you an accurate id . I was just wondering if it arrived with the moss at the top of the pot. Maybe Heteranthera dubia. Common name water stargrass.
Because this is in a pot with croton and spanish moss, I'd suggest you look at Russellia equisetum. The stems will be angular. Sometimes the newer growth is reddish in higher light conditions, the same that would help your croton color well. It's an old cracker plant, often called firecracker. Mine are wide and sprawling, with buds forming now for winter flowering of tubular red flowers.
The other poster made a good suggestion. The only other thing that comes to mind is the weedy (in greenhouses) plant Psilotum nudum. However, I am used to a more erect growth habit in this species. One thing you could look for would be three yellow sporangia grouped together right along the stem. Here are some pictures. I should mention that Psilotum is a free-sporing vascular plant, not a seed plant.
The pictures of Psilotum nudum online look more like the plant in question than does Russellia equisetum. I'd recommend pursuing Psilotum nudum as a possibility first.
Hi Everybody! Thank you so much for all of the responses, I think we have a winner with Psilotum nudum I would have never figured this out on my own.