I would love an id of this fragrant airy shrub I saw today downtown Vancouver. It is about 6' growing in shade under a taller tree.
Thanks WCG - I'll have to go have a look at the shrub again. The leaves are a lot rounder than regular lilacs. Is Syringa x tribida easily findable here ?
I noticed it looking through the Dominion site earlier in the day (you sent me there!) http://www.dominion-seed-house.com/en-CA/cat/index.aspx?CatID=1392&InfoID=164 It shows it with very similar flowers - colour, density of flower head etc. Unfortunately, I can't see the leaves well but they look smaller. Also, the leaves on the newer shoots of my lilac are smaller and rounder than the leaves on the more mature branches. WCG
I was visiting a friend today who had a new "dwarf lilac" she'd gotten at the nearby IGA for $20, and I think it was labelled S. palabiniana (not too sure, was drinking a margarita at the time). Looking up the Syringas starting with p. I see that it is the same one suggested by terrestrial man. It had the same unstructured flowerheads.
Terrestrial man, thank you - that is closer. I went and had another look at it. It was growing in shade and that would probably account for the lanky airy look it had. KarenL - s.palabiniana ? How many margarita's was it ?