A Japanese Maple I have had for 12 years has been robust until this year where most of the branches that normally turn red have not done so. In fact the poor tree looks very sickly. It is located about 4 metres from a large cedar. Would that be a factor and is there anything I can do to bring it back? Thanks, Gary
Can you provide pictures of the tree? The whole plant showing its location in the ground, a close up of the base of the trunk, and a close up of one of the affected branches and leaves would be helpful in attempting to determine what might be going on. Also, did anything happen last year or over winter that might have impacted the tree? Could be weather, landscaping/treatments, rodents, bugs, etc?
Hi Thanks for responding. Will get back to you with photos when the I-phone returns home from a shopping trip. Cheers, G
Hi again I have taken a few photos of the tree. Would you mind sending me your e-mail address so I can include the attached photos. Attaching images on the forum looks rather daunting. Cheers, Gary
Attaching a picture here is really no more difficult than attaching one to an email. See here for an explanation: How to Attach Photos and other files