What can I use to get rid of the "little green bugs" on my african violets? Sure would appreciate some help on this. Thanks, Delores
Are they aphids? Hard to tell without a picture. I would start with washing off the insects. Do this as often as possible as you will need to get newly hatched bugs as well.
Chester, Thanks for the reply. Should I just spray the plants like under the shower? I thought getting the leaves wet would leave spots. Where are the eggs usually? In the soil or roots or where? I hope this works, as I have 3 different color african violets in 1 long container, and they are really thick with leaves. Thank you so much for your advice. Delores
A really common pet are "Thrips". Look at the flowers and see if there is pollen falling out. If there is then just pluck off the effected flowers, and keep doing this until they are gone. On the topic of washing your violets, go ahead. Warm, not hot water. Don't let any water sit in the crown of the plant, and keep the plant out of light until the leaves are totally dry. It's the sun shining through the water that does the burning.