Hi I bought a beautiful african violet about 6 months ago, and it had all kinds of flowers on it. Now, all the flowers are gone and have been for about 4 months. The leaves are gorgeous. Big juicy green and slightly purple leaves. it keeps spitting out new leaves, but there are no flowers. It sits in a west facing window with filtered light. I water it when it is dry, never let it sit in water and fertilize every 2 to 3 weeks. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? thanks
It may just need more light is all. I give mine some direct sun during the day. Make sure the av is on the root-bound side, not swimming in the pot and it's not be given too much fertilizer. Too much can cause the plant to produce MANY leaves, but no flowers.
Needs more light. Hobbyists may grow them under flourescent lights with the tubes only a few inches above them.
definitely needs more light!! in my experience, west-facing seems to be the best for them - just remove whatever is filtering the light so that the plant is in full sun and you'll have blooms in no time!!
If you're going to use fertilizer on your african violets be sure the middle number in the 3-number series is much higher than the other ones. (Like 15-30-15 or higher) The middle number promotes blossoms (I can't remember what it is...I'm sure somebody else out there knows what it is). You might check out this video. It has a lot of good info on african violets. Also look at the other videos that is listed on the right side of the page after you watch this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHrl7FmPVO0&feature=related