Hello, all. I am currently repotting my baby African Violets and I noticed I only have (a ton of it) small ceramic pots that have NO holes in them for drainage. Could I still use them? How would I use it to make sure my AV don't get waterlogged/root rot, etc? Thank you. I want to use my pots... but if I have to, I'll get plastic ones that have holes in them.
I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that LOL They're such pretty little pots and I'm afraid I'd break them if I did that. I will try it on some!
If its clay they should be softer than ceramic, if its ceramic you will need a certain drill bit, and dont go big with it, just drill some small ones, only for what you need. Here in Germany, if you have pretty pots, we get like 1 size bigger than the plastic container the plant is it then we put that inside the pretty pot, so you still have your drainage and the looks too :-D
That's a great idea, IWantToBeGreen! I went ahead and drilled holes on some of the ceramic pots, and then I left the other ones alone since I realized I don't need to use them yet. I'm not really sure what I'm doing with the African Violets, but I love them and I've been growing babies left and right! I've given some away, too. They are great presents for people that I know love plants. :) Here's some pictures of the ones I have repotted (from babies to more mature ones). Your suggestions are welcome based on what you see! Thanks. Pictures in words: #1 Picture of my newly repotted plants. #2 Picture of cuttings I'm going to try to propagate. There's really nothing special I do; I do stick in the dirt, water, and wait. I only had 3 mature AV to begin with. #3 Picture of a cutting I used to propagate one of the "more mature" plants from picture 1. I stuck the old leaf in soil, and then voila. Is this normal that it has quite a few baby plants growing from this one leaf?! #4 Picture of some of the cuttings I stuck in water a couple of months ago. I only wanted to root the leaves, but I forgot about it and they grew baby AVs.