I wasn't quite sure where to post this question so this forum seemed good. Several trees in our city parks were labeled with metal 3 inch x 5 inch plaques. Whoever did it utilized the method that the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew invented with the screw and spring. Since this has been many moons ago, the labels are quite snug against the tree (in some cases the tree growing around the labels) and is time to put in new springs and adust the labels. My question is when I reattach the labels, do I put the screws back in the same holes or do I create new holes? I want the labels to stay put, but I hate to leave open holes. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.
New holes would probably be better as the old ones are probably quite loose by now. I think if you can put a little squirt of Vaseline into the old holes they should be fine.
old holes would be better for the tree, it will likely have applied CODIT to those areas to attempt to stop the spread of decay from the wound. (FWIW - CODIT + Dr. Shigos theory of Compartmentalization Of Decay In Trees) (FWIW = For what its worth)
thank you guys for your reply. i think i will try to put them back in the old holes and if there are problems with them falling out, I will have to make new holes. thanks again.