Hello, I bought 2 cactus 3 weeks ago. Watering was done in day 1. They have been doing great so far. Today I notice that the "Eve's Needle" (right) shows some discoloring at the bottom. I am not sure if it is dehydrated or not. I was advised to water once in every 4 weeks but now is in week 3. Any advice would be much appreciated. Attached please find 2 pictures showing day 1 and week 3. The discoloring at the bottom of Eve's Needle can be clearly shown in the second picture (right one). Thanks, Victor
It is not the typical colour of rot, and the discolouration is visible in the older picture too, so my guess is that it is corking, which is natural. The plant is obviously growing, which requires water. If the soil is dry it could be that water from the main body has been used, which has caused the dehydrated look. Plants should be watered according to what they need, which depends on temperature, humidity, type of growing medium and whether they are grown indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse. That is something you learn by observing and learning, do not trust schedules. The watering frequency varies over the year too. So if the soil is dry and you don't want to unpot the cactus and inspect the roots (i.e. look for other signs of rot) I suggest you give it some water.