Advice for raising "kids"

Discussion in 'Maples' started by cafernan, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. cafernan

    cafernan Active Member

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    Mar del Plata, Argentina
    Hi everyone
    Thanks to the kindness of a good friend, I´ve got seeds fourth months ago. Now, after all this time in fridge, some of the seeds have sprouted. In some of them already the cotyledons are seen. I need your advice and expertise with respect to the type of soil, light and adequate temperatures so that they grow.
    Cotyledons are still closed, do I have to wait until they are fully open?
    Regards from the far South
    Mar del Plata, Argentina.
  2. katsura

    katsura Active Member 10 Years

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    Novato, California
    you need to wait until the cotyledrons open because they start the
    photosynthesis - they are like sails that catch the sun. I don't know how
    you germinated whether it was in plastic bags with moist peat or in trays
    in a seed starter mix which is the method I do. When the seedlings are an
    inch or 2 tall and have their first real leaves open & spread, I transplant them
    into 4 inch pots in faqst draining good potting soil.
    1 question, Carlos, aren't you in later summer now and if so how will you keep
    the seedlings healthy when your cold weather comes in a few months?
    Good luck!
  3. cafernan

    cafernan Active Member

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    Mar del Plata, Argentina
    Thanks Katsura for your help. Seeds are in plastics bags with moist peat, thus I have to transplant and this is what makes me to doubt about the soil type to use.
    On regards of the weather, yes we are now in early autum and I think of to move the pots indoor where temperature is about 18ºC and I have good natural ceiling ligth.
    Could be work?
  4. katsura

    katsura Active Member 10 Years

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    Novato, California
    if u have a good nursery nearby, buy a good potting soil mix with peat, sand, fir bark, etc so it has nutrients yet drains water fast. give them as much natural sunlight as
    possible. 18C is 65F which is OK but not really warm so if you can give the pots some
    warmth underneath that wud help. you have to be careful with limited sunlight that
    the seedlings do not become "leggy", ie the stems get too tall & narrow.
    remember you are germinating out of natural season so you are going to have to
    simulate Spring & early summer as much as possible. Good luck

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