I just recieved some new plants. One is a Wandering Jew. My questions on this plant is basically how is it supposed to be cared for... I got it already pretty long but A LOT of leaves and stems fell off so now it looks pretty skinny. Its not dead is it? I did water it and I hear if you put the stems that fell off in water they grow and I can replant them. Is this true? How often am I supposed to water it and does it need a lot of sunlight? Regarding the Ivy plant...its pretty small right now so I just wanted to know how much and often I need to water this as well. Does this plant grow pretty big? Thanks Everyone, Kristen
Yes, you can root cuttings fairly easily. Keep the soil just moist, not soggy. Overwatering is one of the commonest causes of decay and death for houseplants. Make sure it has bright light. Temperature between 15 and 20°C.
Full sun can burn ivy leaves. Ivy looks much better and not as leggy when kept pinched back to only a foot long, or less. Be carful, ivy is prone to spidermites indoors where humidity is low.