My hybrid seedling already shows signs of summer growth. I am waiting to see just how red/mauve/purple it would be. Surprisingly, the ‘old’ leaves have not turned completely to green yet.
Watch the roots ! I've just noticed that mine (the "usual species") are really pot-bound, there are almost more roots than wood and leaves. Have you noticed that with yours ? Dry weather again : I'll go outside, take a picture and edit this post. EDIT : I realize that it's a fast grower. I repotted it in the sping of 2019, from a 7cm pot to a 14 cm pot (width of the pot of the square pots) PS : it's not a "contorted" variety, I just wired it for a possible bonsai.
Color progression for the summer growth of my hybrid seedling. Definitely a keeper. It grew more than a meter during June-August.