So many forget the beauty of the greens in Summer, compared to Spring and Autumn, but why, when you see how lush the leaves look. Your favourite for a very good reason N.
Update a week later. Very good growth this spring. The new shoots at the top are already about 20 inches long and not done yet putting out new leaves.
Mine is also growing nicely but is still quite small. The spring colours are fading (last picture from 7th of May, others taken today).
Sensu summer growth. Interesting that the color and the shape of these leaves has little to do with the normal appearance in spring. Second picture is also taken today of a foliage that developed in spring.
I am beginning to think that this cultivar is very heavily influenced by the rootstock. It cannot be just soil and climate.
Dramatically different fall color for cuttings and parent tree. I have never seen good fall color on the parent tree, wondering if it is the rootstock influence… Pictures taken at the same time today. Cuttings are under the mother tree, so they are exposed to less light. Everything else is the same. I hope they survive and retain this feature.
My Sensu is putting on some nice growth this year, I like the leaf form, its colour and graceful habit.
Very nice indeed M and you have had some rain there in the Netherlands. Sensu and rain 'a match made in heaven'.
Thanks D, we did get some rain but way too dry still everywhere. For the first time in history our country will have to make changes to keep hold of the rain water instead of disposing it to the sea asap. I am very happy with the 2 ibc tanks we installed last year! I use it for washing my car, the windows, filling my pond etc etc, very useful in this changing climate.
Been the same here M, up until the last few days. My water tanks were empty. I do the same as you, car wash , windows and of course watering the maples. But so surprised to hear your country suffering from dry conditions. You made a very good choice in installing those tanks last year. Your trees will definitely thank you this and coming years.
Yet another tree I bought because of all the beautiful pictures here on this forum. Thank you, everyone!
My Sensu is growing happily and just had its second flush. No sign of leaf burn in this hot and dry summer.
My Sensu has grown considerably this year and is colouring nicely in its sunny spot. I love it more every year!
I think the pictures I have shared here are not of ‘Sensu’. Sorry for any confusion or inconvenience.