Here is Acer shirasawanum 'Red Dawn'. It looks like no other shirasawanum that I have seen, you know, orbicular leaves. Must be a hybrid.
Here are two close up photos of Red Dawn taken 11/8/04. This first year graft had deep olive colored leaves with a light purple undertone when I purchased it in mid-summer. New growth is deep red and fall color deep purple as shown in the photographs. This maples was slower to show fall color than many and the leaves have held up well through a few frosts. Its growth rate is faster than than most shiraswanums and its leaf shape and color atypical.
2 other selections with deeply cut, purplish leaves 'Gloria' and 'Yasemin' are thought to perhaps be derived from crossing between 'Palmatifolium' and 'Bloodgood'.
New plant for me from Mendocino. I'm smitten with the shirasawanums. It all started with palmatifolium. Photo 4/28/07 Philly, PA
Photo 4/19/09. Someone online referred to 'Red dawn' as an aristocrat in the garden, they meant it in a positive way. I concur.
Interesting to read the earlier comments suggesting 'Red Dawn' is a cross/hybrid because ger- minating its seeds would also suggest that. Red Dawn easily germinates the next Spring after Fall planting whereas shirasawanums usually require a 2 year stratification to germinate.
Thanks for that info Mike. I wasn't aware of the longer stratification for shirasawanums. What's the deal with japonicums?
Good afternoon D, I bet your hoping it's going to look like Charlie's at the end of the year. Looking very healthy, well on it's way to being a stunner D.
Beautiful Xi, I would be interested to see how D @LoverOfMaples tree is looking now. I know he's away atm so will have to wait. The two are looking different.
9th April 2022 and way behind others on the forum, but I wanted to show that I do at least have some leaves.
If anything this guy keeps getting paler, which is not what I was expecting! Orange fading away to greeny-cream:
28th May 2022 and doing very well now. I think I'm going to enjoy this one when it gets bigger. What's not to like about a red shirasawanum..
Hey @Xi-feng. I think your plant have been mislabeled. 'Red Dawn' isn't a reticulated cultivar. I wonder if there are any reticulated shirasawanums out there?
No kidding -- I was looking at @Acerholic 's lovely pictures earlier and thinking 'huh! Mine doesn't look like that at all!' It's actually gone green now - I would post a pic but don't want to pop it in this thread if it's not a Red Dawn at all. It's weird, is all I can say.
The maple you have there Xi is very pretty, but I have to agree with D @ LoverOfMaples. It's not Red Dawn or a shirasawanum.
Hmm, well if no-one minds... I ran outside and took a quick picture of my 'artist formerly known as Red Dawn'. Any ideas would be more than welcome -- bit miffed as I'd been looking for a Red Dawn for ages when I found this one labelled as such, but it's still very pretty whatever it actually is!