That picture was from Monday. I hope the leaves survived the -2C temps they experienced overnight on Tues/Wed. I was too afraid to look closely yesterday
I know exactly how you feel Keith, lol. Sometimes in the morning I look between my fingers, just hoping everything is alright. So silly!!! Hopefully when you next post a photo of your Moonrise, it will show everything was fine.
27th April 2021 and although a long way behind other members around the globe, my Moonrise has just started to get going properly this morning.
I have two Moonrises in roughly the same position and same conditions - it always surprises me that one has much 'rustier' leaves than the bright greens of the other.
17th May 2021 and my Moonrise is really coming into it's own now. The colours are the best I've seen in a few years.
My little Moonrise continues to put out some gorgeous reds and oranges. I moved the bigger one into a new spot and it's responded by lightening its leaves and putting out some colour - looks to me like a much happier tree than what it was before:
My bigger Moonrise continues to put on more colour now it's in its new sunnier spot, and my new Bloodgood provides some nice contrast:
31st May 2021 and the early sun is shining directly on my Moonrise, so it was the perfect time for a photo or two.
They really do, don't they? Love the look of raindrops on leaves... and the trees seem pretty happy about it too!
Rain always picks then up, whereas a hosepipe never has the same effect in my experience. Nature knows best!!!
16th June 2021 and my Moonrise from underneath made it look very different. But I do love to see all of the leaves and not just the top. So here is one from a few minutes ago to share.