5th September 2020 and the diary continues, each day has a new colour on the leaves now. And tbh some rather strange colours this year. It has come back just in time for the Autumn colour. So pleased.
12th September 2020 and believe it or not, new growth is everywhere in my garden together with Autumn colours emerging. Temperatures of 31°C expected in a couple of days. But new growth on my Jordan in September !!!!!!!! What is going on !!??? Oh so pretty though.
17th September 2020 and the colours are making a big appearance now. But as can be seen my Jordan also has the lovely new leaves, looking very early Summer like. Just the tips showing what is to come.
20th September 2020 and new growth plus some strange colouring on my maples now. I had to show how weired this year was, my Jordan with brand new shoots above the burnt Summer leaves just two days from the Autumn Equinox.
4th October 2020 new shoots and Summer scorch on my Jordan, such a strange year for all my Shirasawanum's.
12th October 2020 and I don't have many leaves left on my Jordan now, but the few I do have in the early morning sun looked quite pretty IMO.
21st October 2020 and I thought I would post this as a curiosity. Old leaves and new growth at this time of the year on my Jordan.
27th October 2020 and my Jordan is in the finishing mode of Autumn colour. As you can see leaves from the upper story tree (prunus) is dropping it's leaves rapidly now. But in the hot Summer it gives protection to this delicate cultivar.
18th March 2021 and my Jordan is starting to show some life at last. Hope it stays closed for a few more days as a cold blast is on the way.
27th March 2021 and just before the high temperature hits us in the UK, my Jordan is getting ready to meet the sun.
Last night I received a PM asking if I give my Shirasawanum's any protection from Spring frosts. The answer is 'no' most of the time, unless there is a very late rogue frost in late April/ May. So I thought as we had a frost here through last night, I would add a photo after the event from this morning 30th March 2021.
9th April 2032 and one thing I am pleased about is that a lot of my maples are keeping their buds firmly closed atm. This cold snap is going on for another few days yet, with -3° C forecast for the 11th. So I thought I would show my Jordan before this next frost hits. It has already coped with -7°C a couple of nights ago. I will them post a photo afterwards in a few days time.
18th April 2021 and my Jordan is now leafing out. It gets good morning sun and is protected all afternoon. It does like this!!
2nd May 2021 and my Jordan that is protected quite well in my garden, is now producing the leaves that I love.
Good morning everyone, here's a quick picture of my Jordan that arrived the other day. Do you think it does best in full sun as in the first post, or should I find some afternoon shade as mentioned above, I'm a little confused? I was intending full sun but I'm not sure now.
It's looking really nice N. You bought a good one there. Re position, IMO it fries in afternoon sun. I have mine in afternoon shade from 1pm. So I would advise some protection.
Thank you, guess I'll have to reconsider where I was going to plant it then, but not to worry, I don't think that'll be until next year now anyway.