This shirasawanum does very well in full sun. This is its second year with me and it has put on a good bit of growth this year. I can't wait to see what fall colors it bring.
@LoverOfMaples, 4 weeks on from your very first photo of this cultivar and it's looking amazing D. Perfect amongst the pine straw. You're looking after all your trees brilliantly.
Thanks D for the kind words. I try to do the best I can. Sometimes it feel like I have 2 jobs lol. But I enjoy it.
@LoverOfMaples, but it keeps us young D and the pleasure it brings....... you cannot put a price on that.
Update: 'Garden Glory has just about doubled in size and putting out a lot of new growth. Pretty weird for this time of year.
Thanks for the response, I love coleus! I was referring to the Update: 5/24/21 pictures. Is the ‘Garden Glory’ partially red or is that another maple next to it?
That’s a beautiful combination! I am sad to say that I only have one Shirasawanum, ‘Kawaii’. I hope to get more this spring and I am enjoying all of the galleries you have posted.