Earlier this year due to an extension I had to move a rather old and beautiful Acer , whan I replanted I also thinned out the branches to give it the best chance of survival. The plant seemed to do well this year but I must have stressed it somewhat as the Acer then produced seeds. I left the seeds on the tree as long as I could, but they have started to fall so I have collected them. Living in N Ireland I would be greatful if someone could advise when I should plant the seeds, how to store them, what soil etc to have the best chances to grow new trees? Thanks Marty
Hi Marty I also live in Northern Ireland I collect my seed as late as possible. I then store it in damp (not wet) peat based compost in the bottom of the refridgerator until springtime, when I sow it out in seed trays in a light well drained medium I have had reasonable success Have you read Vertrees book on the subject?
HI Sam Thanks for the information, I had been told differently to this so this is appreciated. I will go look up the book you refered to now. Thanks again Marty