Acer robustum at Batsford Arboretum, September 2010. It is not clear whether this rare Chinese maple is a synonym of Acer ceriferum or a separate species. Has a superficial resemblance to Acer amoenum (Acer palmatum ssp. amoenum), differences are said to include the shiny leaf surface, pubescence in the vein-axils of the leaf undersides and larger samaras .
My first graft of Acer robustum! It is a summer side graft showing a new shoot after 6 weeks. As you can see the leaves and branches are quite pubescent at this stage though it is less obvious later. The original plant (a seedling) has been slow to grow and at 10 years is still less than 1 m, so I hope on different rootstock it will be faster.
Simon, My Acer robustum grafts on Acer palmatum understock are doing great. No problems. The mother tree is about 6 ft (2M) tall now, and was grown from seed. It seems to be putting on 8" a year of growth. Very healthy, despite being mauled by a deer last year! Here's a link to some pics of my tree:
Just some pictures of the new spring foliage showing the pubescence as they open. it becomes less obvious within days.