I recently bought a PATCHWORK from an excellent grower but cannot find this plant in any of my literature. Does anyone know the parentage of acer pseudoplatanus PATCHWORK. I just joined this site and this is my first post. I am honored to be a member.
PATCHWORK has variegated broad Sycamore-like leaves splotched white on green with purple underside. The leaves look like Leopoldii. The green leaves look spreckled with white variegation as if Jackson Pollack used them as a canvas.
Sounds like Nizetii. If there is a lot of pink on the new leaves it might be Eskimo Sunset. Check the gallery to compare your maple with Eskimo Sunset. Nizetii is harder to find. robert
I have both Nizetii and Eskimo Sunset. The grower who sold me Eskimo Sunset sold me Patchwork just last month. That grower - and he is excellent and listed in this forum's websites- is checking Patchwork's parentage with the grower who sold it to him. I just want to make sure Patchwork is an accredited cultivar with unique parentage.
If the grower farthest back is the originator then you will have to get the background from him. Sometimes the first place of publication of a new garden plant is a wholesale nursery catalog or listing; such descriptions are often brief.
As Ron B. wisely advised, I had the pleasure this afternoon to speak with the brilliant soft plant tissue expert Dan Heims of Terra Nova Nursery who found PATCHWORK among a swarm of seedlings of acer pseudoplatanus variegatum wonderfully thriving in a trailer park in Boring, Oregon approximately 6 years ago. The cultivar is not registered. I wanted to share this information with all those on this forum who looked at my message and replied. Many thanks especially to Dan Heims.