I think this is actually the pinkest (here anyway) of the sycamore cultivars, and the new growth makes a lovely contrast with the yellowish older growth: like jewels. -E
Hi Gomero, It was named by Jean-Pierre Hennebelle of Pepinieres Hennebelle. Since his death the nursery is run by his sons Jean-Loup and Nicolas. They work quite closely with Vasterival, I believe. -E
Very striking plant - I'm sure the pictures don't do the true coloring/effect any justice... Do you know if this is available state-side by chance? Feedback on it would be appreciated :)
Hi Andrea, I don't know, maybe not as it appears to be quite a rare plant even in Europe. And in truth, as well as being very beautiful, it's quite difficult: quite a lot of dieback, doesn't like too dry but _really_ complains if too wet. It does have much better colour than say 'Brilliantissimum' (not to mention the unremarkable 'Puget Pink' group) or 'Prinz Hanjery' but is much more finicky than these others. This year we had mid 30C heat over a few weeks, Miracle Rose hated it and is pretty much leafless now (a few lower leaves remaining) in spite of being watered. -E
Hmmm, if it didn't like mid-30s, it definitely won't like Kansas - 40 and higher is the name of the game in summer. I guess another one I shall have to admire from afar. Thanks for the info!
You're welcome! I wonder if any of the sycamore maples would do well in 40C. I know I wouldn't! :) [Sort of a constant joke in our family as my wife is also from NY and unlike me actually loves really hot weather, whereas to me Aug in the city is as close to hell as I'd like to experience on this earth! :)]