Just had an email from Gardening Express UK.They're advertising what they say is a new maple from the Netherlands'Cascade Gold',a cross between Ryusen&Orange dream.I'd post a link but not sure it's allowed(like a free ad for them)but you can look'em up and make up your own mind.
I just did a google search, though I bet you could post the link. It's an interesting tree to discuss.... the spring color looks very vivid, and I like the leaf shape. I wonder about how well it will perform as a weeper, though. There was talk about Dragon Tears (a supposed red Ryusen-like weeper) on a forum recently, and someone said they've tried a few specimens of it and found it's weeping nature to be exaggerated. I hope this new one performs as well as the photos show. It's quite pretty.
Neil's plant must be well established by now. I got one last year and was pleasantly surprised. It's already reached down to the soil in the pot. It can not take full sun but where I put it it looks fantastic when the early morning or late afternoon sun catches it. Last year it got black spot so I gave it a fungicide treatment when it came into leaf this year. I consider it a very beautiful plant in the right position. In the pic it is second from back left between the Osakazuki and the Tamukeyama.
Here is a better pic from last year, and another from the kitchen window. That's it in the middle. I'm pretty sure but it has lost its label!
Thanks for the reminder. Mine is coming into leaf and it is time to get the fungicide applied. It needs several treatments early in the season or it gets the black spot. The infection doe not stunt it but it takes away the beauty. This is a very nice little plant. I'll get a nice picture for you when the leaves develop a bit more.
Good morning Ronnie, as you are in the UK and I still see this being sold from various garden centres and online shops, do you after 3 years of having this one, reccomend it? It appears ideal for a smaller area, ie patio etc. If you do then I might recommend it to my daughter.
Well highlighted D. This appears a perfect maple for a pot on a patio etc. Or even a balcony garden !!!? Maybe...