Identification: Acer palmatum

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Rick_ikigai, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. Rick_ikigai

    Rick_ikigai New Member

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    Greensboro NC
    This tree was recently purchased by myself from a nursery reducing their inventory, because age and health of the owner.

    it was apparently dug up about 8 years ago, it was in very heavy clay. Once put in a pot it was never given any love As it was still in the heavy clay. It was given some training but no idea when. It was put under some trees and forgotten about.

    New growth is variegated

    tree stands about 3 ft but was trained to droop down
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2020
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @Rick_ikigai, welcome to the maples forum, first of all it is a lovely dissectum maple you have there. The reason you appear to have two different varieties is because of the second flush. This can appear to be a different maple. The other reason for this is branches growing from the rootstock. This doesn't seem to be that with yours, but I cannot see the photo too well. It maybe over the years the varigated tree has reverted to the non varigated type which often happens.
    Do have a look where the branch with the varigation comes from and if possible post a photo.
    Hope that's not confusing for you. Await your update.
  3. Rick_ikigai

    Rick_ikigai New Member

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    Greensboro NC
    Thanks for the welcome.
    I know my way around maples having had a collection for over 20 years, but learning more each day.

    No the graft is much lower down the trunk, so certainly not rootstock. it’s just one branch of new shoots, which comes off a branch that looks like rest.
    I’ve searched my ref books but can’t ID the tree , obviously once fall hits I’ll have more info from colors.

    PS will be joining the Maple society , but almost never use snail mail , on online form and payment would endure you to younger folk ( which I am not)
  4. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @Rick_ikigai, OK Rick, as the tree was left for several years, it may have reverted to the original root stock, but started out as a varigated variety. Hence why there is still an odd branch coming through.
    Decision time is whether you take out the branch with the varigation, this is what I would do as the tree is looking so good.
    Others may disagree, this is IMO.
    Look forward to welcoming you on the Maple Society forum.
  5. LoverOfMaples

    LoverOfMaples Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Rhode Island
    It could possibly be a sport.

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