I have planted an acer palmatum (the label says it will reach about 1.5m in 10 yrs) by my sunny patio and I am worried about its leaves getting scorched in the heat. It is one of those with red leaves. Any advice? Also, I've planted it about 50cm away from an eucalyptus gunii which I intend to keep to a 1m clear stem and coppice it every year to keep it at about 1.5-2m height. They are both small at the moment but I was wondering whether I am storing up problems for the future by planting too close. I only have a tiny garden and can't stop myself buying plants which I then have to squeeze in.
Hi for red leaves no problem if you:when is spring or summer give more water every 2 or 3 days for 3 minutes and around the trunk you use bark of conifer ;the distance about "Gunny" is small for the future if possible is good 1m for me alex66
The heat you get in Wales should be no problem with your maple The dry weather this past year or so means that you should ensure a constant water supply. If you do that the sun will be fine Are you serious about 50 centimetres? That is only about a foot and a half? Surely that has to be far far too close