A delightful small upright tree to 12 feet depending on climate and culture. Lightly variegated leaves with pink edging when exposed to sun. Fall color orange and reds.
Here are some photos of a beautiful Tennyo that we left behind at out last home. We bought it B&B from a local nursery, quite a rare find, and planted it in the full sun exposure you see in the photos. While the age of the plant is in question, I suspect it was around 10 years old with a lower trunk calliper of about 3 inches and many of the leader branches from 1 to 1.5 inches in calliper. A strong grower that would put out chutes 12-24 inches in lenght, it preferred to be pruned to a more compact shape. The tree widely self-purnes requiring that dead wood, mostly twigs, be removed at least yearly. When kept clean and open it is beautiful. With light veriegation in the margins from white to slightly pink, it would burn just a little, but the interior of the leaf would stay intact with a great deal of sun and reflected heat. The tree will occassionally revert and the reversion should be pruned out, but it is usually not widespread and easy to deal with. A great plant! Someday I will return to it for some wood. MJH