Apparently this maple is an interesting plant to people doing Bonsai work. As such the leaves show up to good advantage.
I have never heard of the palmatum cultivar 'Stromberg' and I do not see it on esveld's catalogue list so where is this 'Stromberg' from? Does anyone know anything about this 'Stromberg' please?
The source is a horticulturist from Germany from whom I bought it last year. I will ask him for the description as I did not keep it.
You're welcome. I have just got the description (I am not able to give the best translation) "Stromberg" ist eine anfangs aufrecht wachsende und erst spät überhängende Sorte, typische Wuchsform des Acer palmatum,verzweigt sich gut. Das recht kleine grüne Blatt ist so geteilt, daß sich die Teilung letztendlich so fortsetzt wie bei einem Fiederblatt , die Blattrippen werden in Ihrem unteren Teil mehr oder weniger zu Blattstengeln. Austriebsfarbe rötlich / lachsrosa. Die Blätter halten im Herbst sehr lange aus, wohl die Sorte, die als letztes Laub abwirft, Herbstfärbung rot. Eine noch wenig bekannte Selektion einer badischen Baumschule, sehr robust und mit guter Winterhärte. Best Regards H.Scholl
In googlish: ""Stromberg" is a first upright and late overhanging variety, typical growth form of Acer palmatum, branches well. The very small green leaf is divided so that the division continues, eventually, like a pinnate leaf, the leaf veins are in your lower part more or less to leaf stalks. Shoots color reddish / salmon pink. The leaves keep the fall from a very long time, probably the species that throws off the last leaves, autumn red. A little-known selection of Baden nursery, very robust and with good winter hardiness. Best Regards H.Scholl"
Thank you, danc and maf (for the translation). Amazing the proliferation of local nursery selections here in the States and abroad. I like the colors and leaf form in your Fall pictures, danc, very much. Thanks for sharing them.