The spring leaves are wonderful but also thefall tones on Shigarami are beautiful- and the tree's habit of layering/horizontal planes- it has become a favorite for us.
Very beautiful @LoverOfMaples. 'Shigarami' is a great cultivar if you can get the real one like yours. I ordered one from Holland some years ago but the leaves on mine never seem to be deeply divided enough to be the true 'Shigarami', and suspect the supplier stiffed me by sending 'Tana' instead. (I expected better as they have a good reputation in Europe.) It has never been a very healthy plant either; I am trying it in more sun to see if that improves matters but doubt it will affect the leaf shape. Edit: Sorry for the whinge, but please post more updates in the future so I can have a vicarious 'Shigarami'!
Sorry to hear that and hate when that happen. I will definitely continue to post pics to keep this post updated. It's a pretty problem free strong structure tree. Do you graft at all?
Full sun and amazing Autumn colours, this has got to be a winner D. A shame that it's not for sale in the UK and I would be rather hesitant to think about one from Europe after seeing M @maf experience. Please do post photos yours this October D? Looking at others photos, it's going to be a stunner. D
Not really. Had a go a few years ago and zero out of three took. Obviously need more practice. Will try again one day but with lots of decent rootstocks this time