3rd November 2020 and my Seiryu in the sunshine is a very special sight in my garden. Gives pleasure all year long tbh. But old leaves about to drop and new growth on one stem in November !!!! What a year.
12th April 2021 and my Seiryu is now getting going. And when it starts this one can grow and grow and grow..... controlling it is a must for this cultivar.
13th April 2021, yes just 24 hrs since my last posting and with an overnight hard frost, this is how my Seiryu welcomed me to my garden this morning. And people wonder why we are so passionate about maples !!!!
4th May 2021 and I wanted to get a photo of mine after seeing N @D97x7 lovely specimen yesterday. Mine is only just starting, but this morning's early sunshine, gave me hope that it is really now underway. 'But so late'.
16th May 2021 and here hs an update in how the lime green leaves of Spring start their move to Summer greens. Still bright though.
11th June 2021 and into the time where so many feel that not much changes with maples. But I think they change continually, with new shoots spurting all the time.
17th September 2021 and my Seiryu beginning it's Autumn show. There is nothing like a maple to cheer you up.
Got an email notification to check this thread, so decided to post some updated pics from the ones I posted a few years ago. Think this Seiryu is around 40+ years old. Enjoy it everyday. Almost lost it again last year to an ice storm. And about 3 years ago it got damaged quite severely by an ice storm. Still, it continues to grow, even through the heat dome etc. (which didn't seem to damage it any--lot's of bark mulch and leaves under it, at least 8 inches). It must be about 20-25 feet tall and a meter around at the stump. I'll post some pictures of some newer varieties I've planted a few years ago. I've got a 3 year old yatsubusa that is quite large and really enjoying it. Planted an Ever Autumn this year too, so very curious to see how that one turns out.
I already posted this one in another thread, but it's the same kind of atmosphere as yours, Margot. Definitely a star of the garden ;-)
3rd June 2023 and the first showing of my Seiryu for this year. Hard to keep this one under control....
Just got a notification from this thread so I thought I would update with a couple of recent pictures of our two old Seriyu I've posted further up in the thread. These pictures are from November 6th of this year. They continue to grow even after I thought they were long done. Hard to describe how large they are, but as a full grown man of 190lbs I can climb 12-15 feet up in the canopy no problem. Fingers crossed we don't get any ice storms this year as I lost some branches a few years back and almost had the larger one split in half on a very large branch. The crack has since healed well and the branch seems even stronger than it was. Over the last 10 years or so it has become more apparent to me as to why this lovely trees name translates into "green dragon" (or something like that). It used to have a more "drooping" stature in the early years, with the immature branches shooting upward and then bending downward in the summer, but lately (as it has matured and gotten stronger, and certainly in the spring and fall when the branches are "lighter") it seems much more stiff and upright, with the ends of the branches reminiscent of those feathery Japanese dragon drawings I've seen so often. And of course, with it's large size it really does have a sort of "imposing and dragon-like" appeal to it. Anyway, my two bits. Hope everyone is enjoying all the colors of Autumn!