Lovely to see these being posted, mine is a few days away yet, but I will be sure to post it when it does leaf out. I'll just enjoy @Xi-feng and N @D97x7 lovely leaves in the meantime.
I'll try and keep up and put a photo on tomorrow of mine, only just leafing out here. Yours is looking amazing Xi.
1st May 2022 and as promised to Xi @Xi-feng, here is my Sawa chidori moments ago in my garden. A long way behind others, but I'm still loving it.
They're so delicate at the point the leaves unfurl, aren't they? Looks gorgeous, D, you must be delighted with it!
This is one of the most delicate in my collection Xi and tbh I'm quite happy keeping it small for that reason. Some look lovely big and others small. It is why we on the forum love all the varieties of Japanese Maples. And of course species.
Looking at some other people's I'm thinking mine looks very different so far! It'll be interesting to see how it changes over the next month or so - maybe Hippo mislabelled it?!
20th April 2024 and some lovely delicate reticulated leaves coming out on my Sawa chidori this morning. It's in a bonsai traing pot. I will keep this one small.
I love timeline photos for maple development. I think they give the most accurate view of what one should expect from a particular variety.