I recently received a lovely Ryusen Japanese Maple and I'm unsure how proceed with encouraging vertical growth. I apologize if this is a newbie question, and I really appreciate any advice or insight. It looks like the nursery had staked the plant to about 3-4 feet, but I would love to let it grow a little taller. Attached is a photo of the top of the tree. Since the large primary trunk has already weeped downward and become woody, it won't bend up at this point. Is my only option to keep the small branch with the arrow pointing at it heading the right direction, or is there a better strategy?
Yes, that will be the best approach. These maples need to be staked up to the desired height before leaving them to their own devices. Start the training next spring, before leafout tie the branch in to a stake and continue tieing it in at regular intervals until the desired height is reached. Be prepared to nip out the growing tips of the strongest growing downward branches in order to divert energy to the upright branch.
http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=25780&page=2 the original Ryusen!! good choise is one best cultivar dry and hot condition resistent i have two ..the name means green dragon (if i remember good :)