Here is our Otto's Dissectum. It may seem crowded but it really isn't (yet). The Escallonia compacta nana (it is nana although no one would believe it by the size of it) in front of the Otto's may be moved in the near future to allow the Otto's to grow outward more towards the sidewalk. These pics were taken in March after the flush of Spring color had pretty much already dissipated. Not much is known about this Maple but it is my most favorite of all of the green dissectums. The large Red leafed Maple behind the Otto's is Sherwood Flame. Our Butterfly, what little you can see of it, is on the right in one of the images. The Magnolia on the left in one image is Susan.
This little guy was a very nice & welcome gift. First year it didn't do much. Now that it's getting plenty of sun, I really like what it's doing. I guess mine didn't know it was supposed to be green. Or I've got something else?
I like this little red green weeper. I have found that even in the not so sunny PNW it is still best to keep the tree out of full sun.