Dear Forum Members, I bought a Japanese maple from a nursery in Alexandria Virginia that is labeled Acer Palmatum Ogura Yama When I looked this up in the splendid Vertees/Gregory book, I found an Ogura Yama that is in the Acer Shirasawanum group, but my tree is clearly a Palmatum, not a Shirasawanum. When I Google I can find only Acer Palmatum Omura Yama -- not Ogura Yama. Have you perhaps heard of Acer Palmatum Ogura Yama? I can send a photo if that might help. I think I have a case of mis-labeling, and am eager to know what in fact I have. Also, here is a true tyro's question: will it hurt if dogs pee on this newly-planted three foot tree? With appreciation for dialogue and help, Richard Christenson Alexandria, Virginia
I'm not aware of a palmatum cultivar with the name of Ogura yama...probably a typo there. If we can see a couple of pictures we might be able to tell. I'd keep the dogs away if possible. A little urine may not hurt it, but if compounded over time it could cause serious salt damage.
My dog peed in the same spot, right beneath a small Kinran, all winter long because its close to the house. I finally put some stakes around it, so she'd have to go elsewhere. I don't know if it was the pee or drought last year, but there is a lot of dieback. It looks so bad, I don't even know if I'll keep it there. She also went in another area close to the house and I can't get anything to grow there, either. Kay
Thank you, Kay -- I appreciate your response. Thanks to you, I am putting stakes and wire fencing around the tree to protect it. Dick