This is my Acer palmatum 'Ogi tsuma gaki' just arrived this morning 17th October 2020. It is very small in a 9 cm pot, but I have been on the lookout for this cultivar for quite a few years now, after it was produced in Japan in 1995. I do love the fan shaped leaves, hence why I have quite a few Shirasawanum's. But to have a fan shaped leaf with the tsuma gaki look was something I did not want to miss out on. This is my first photo and I will follow up with more over the coming years as I evaluate it. Nothing much to look at atm but it's a start.
25th April 2021 and my journey with my new Ogi tsuma gaki begins for this year. I will post regular updates throughout the seasons.
30th April 2021 and after more and more overnight frosts, I wanted to show the benefits of spraying with rainwater before the frost hits and just a it ends. It does work everybody.
25th May 2021 and my Ogi tsuma gaki has now fully opened into lovely Spring greens. Red tips to the lobes are not too prominent atm, but are very subtle, which is something I like.
6th June 2021 and I did try my best to get a close up of the leaves for a couple of members who requested it on PM's. The new and old came together quite well.
27th April 2022 and its taken a while for the leaves to unfurl, but now they have I'm pleased to say they are healthy. I do love the greens and especially as I know the Autumn colours are so intense.