Mimaye Hello, I just bought a japanese maple called Acer palmatum"Mimaye". I can not find any info. on it in any book or web sites...can anyone please tell me about this tree? Thank you. Gilles
Sounds like you have a mystery tree. I have not heard of this one. Maybe you can provide us some information in the form of a picuture or maybe where you maple came from. Your best be is to ask the seller you got it from and back track. I got two google hits on you plalmatum name: www.sherwoods-forest.com Royal Horticultural Society Plant finder Generally this is not a good sign, but there are new maples being "named" all the time. What will be required over time is to see how this tree might compare to other proven cultivars of Acer plamtum and if might be a "form" warranting a new name. If it really means a great deal to you, the best help you can be to yourself is to find out where it came from. Secondly, you can start a thread over in the photo gallery and post seasonal pictures. Many maples start out with regional distribution and can go unseen by many of us for a long period of time. Additionally, if a maple does not display characteristics that are marketable , it may only exist in a small market as there may be similar maples elsewhere with different names that are proven and growers prefer to sell. Maybe someone else has heard of it? Michael
Hi Gilles: You may want to write this nursery and ask them some time about their Maple. http://www.stanleyandsons.com/productdisplay.cfm?product=ACR 2540 Jim
Re: Mimaye I've been growing 'Mimaye' for just a few months. It got off to a bumpy start with frost damage, and roughed up a bit by wind. Seems fine now. The leaves when opening resemble parachutes with an interesting cupped shape. The leaves are a minty green and their small size is elegant. Nice plant.
Re: Mimaye I have a Acer palmatum Mimaye in a 3 gallon container that I was going to list on ebay, but I can't find any good information about this cultivar. It is a green leaf and the leaves are distinct. I have had it for a few years, but it was just one of many maples in the nursery. I wish I knew fall color or height at maturity. Yes, I did find it listed in the back appendix of Japanese Maples, but without any information. Any new information would be appreciated. Photo I was going to put on ebay is attached. Sam
Re: Mimaye This is the description I have for Mimaye: My experience with it so far is that this is an accurate description. A nice little tree...
Another lovely tree from Diana at Topiary Gardens. Not a lot of info on this one, but it sounds very intriguing; waiting to see if the leaves indeed do look like little parachutes. :)
"Poetry to Burn" posted a couple of photos in another thread: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=5074
Thanks Alain, that thread from the general discussion area is now merged with this one in the photo gallery.
Alain, maf - thanks! I was fairly certain I'd seen something on this cultivar on here, but couldn't find anything in the photo gallery, hence starting the new thread. :)
?... I can view the photos he posted in this message: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showpost.php?p=143569&postcount=5
Yes, I can see them too. The confusion may in part be because the two 'Mimaye' threads were merged and the link now comes back to this same thread. If so I apologise for the confusion. Chimera, if you can see Poetry to Burn's post but not the images then that is another problem entirely...
My mistake, I was thinking Alain was telling Poetry that he (Alain) had posted photos. Sorry for the confusion.
This was the first one out of the gates this spring, putting on lots of new growth and filling in very nicely. Definitely a winner with the unique leaves.