Acer palmatum 'Lion Cub'

Discussion in 'Acer palmatum cultivars (photos)' started by Cattwooduk, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. Cattwooduk

    Cattwooduk Rising Contributor

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    Bristol, UK
    This one I came across at a maple nursery the other day. Supposedly, or possibly a hybrid of a siebald maple x Shishigashira, hence the name it was given, 'Lion Cub'

    It was discovered at Hillier arboretum, and is only just beginning to be grafted for production, I think the nursery I found it in might currently be the only one to get their hands on it, so lucky me, I might be one of the first people to get it as well!

    PXL_20240814_163006843.jpg PXL_20240814_163017844.jpg
    dicky5ash likes this.

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