Hi katsura, Thanks for the info. I found a person who thinks he has some that need a home, so I might be getting it soon! Certainly a beautiful cultivar. Can you post a picture or two of yours? Regards, David
Hello, I also have this cultivar. I will hopefully post some pictures so you can see before you buy this plant.I have promised pictures but keep forgetting the camera when I go to the secret garden. Sorry to all those I will do tommorrow to do my end of year plantings. Best Wishes, P
I got one recently, and I can't for the life of me understand what the fuss is over this cultivar. Its nothing special, as far as I can see. I have many others I would rather make a fuss over...
You don't like it k4? Or is it just not that special??? Because I'm finally getting one from eastfork and I can't wait!!!!! David
I just want to share some new photos of this spectacular cultivar whether it is a palmatum, japonicum or shirasawanum - it is a wonder to look at and enjoy.
Sam, Did you get any new stock in. I always get excited when your new stuff comes in. All of the spring trees are doing very well. Krautz
Hi Mike, Nothing new to report. I think you will have to wait until spring, as I will and it isn't easy. I too miss not getting the rare and unusual maples to enjoy and share. Sam
I really like Kawaii, it has very rich colors. It has a little funny growing habit. I find the color just keeps getting better as the year goes on. PS I bought a twig Kawaii years again and it never has looked like this tree. I finally gave the twig away last month.
The color is getting to be a bright red/ strawberry color. Most likely you will not see one of these 3' in size. This one is a great mail order tree since it is small and its shape is not great.
I've noticed from this and many other pictures you've posted there is a huge difference in the color you see on your maples out on the West Coast and what we see back east. The nice color only lasts a month or two out here, probably because of the heat and intensity of the sun. My Kawaii is a dirty green color right now. It looked like yours for just a few weeks in April. I think it would be great if we could create a database of plant performance / color in the different climate zones. Some cultivars may look fabulous where you are, but are almost not worth growing back here...
I couldn't help taking a pic of my Kawaii in a 24" box I have as part of my display garden. I love this cultivar - high graft or low graft makes no difference in the overall WOW factor. Doug, I agree it would be nice to develop a database showing the different characteristics of each cultivar grown in different regions e.g. North west and South east. Not sure how we approach this daunting task. Sam
You are totally correct. I have bought some cultivars in the UK and have never seen the same colors again in my location. I believe that people who post pictures should insure they give the information concerning the location where the plant in the picture is growing. Gomero
I have found that many of the new arrival trees will have completely different color than the in the ground trses and some of the trees which have been a few years in the pot. I also find that greenhouse grown trees can have different leaf coloration for more than one year. I have found that two of the same trees placed in different locations withing my yard will have different coloring based on sunlight. I have also found a tree to have a completely different coloration from one year to the next based on many different elements, such as leafing out in Feburary one year and leafing out in May the following year. Add to that, even from the good growers i see some "slight" differences in color in some of the same trees. This can be seen in grafting many branches onto one trunk in varieties such as Hana Matoi or Toyama nishiki. Beyond all of that is the fact that our cameras are coming up with the colors. I can change the color of a tree by taking a photo at different times of the day. Too many elements to come up with an exact for the trees. The photo is a Kawaii in the greenhouse
My little baby graft 'Kawaii'. Some of the leaves are still pretty sad looking from the summer's heat, but it's putting out a few new ones that are just adorable. Hopefully the temps start going down so these, too, don't end up burning to a crisp.
Well, the little one in the previous post kicked, so I got another. Wasn't really sure what to do with the one looooong branch, and was contemplating cutting it back until it hit me - stake it! So, I know have a Kawaii that is about 3ft tall, lol. Hopefully over the next few years it will start to put out some nice branching...
Hi, Kawaii is a wonderful Acer shirasawanum. To get a fuller maple cut back the tip of leader and cut the tips of new growth that is too long for shape. Each cut will force the maple to develop two tips instead of one. This way the maple will fill out and you will have a real beauty. In the NW the best color for Kawaii is morning sun and afternoon shade. When planted in full sun the leaves are a solid reddish color. I prefer the variegation of green and red.
here is the color of my Kawaii I added a picture of the whole tree which is about 27' tall amd 42" wide
Kaitain4 and Katsura et al. Does anyone know if David - aka Mapleman77 is still on the forum, if not does anyone know where he is. Such a maple enthusiast and then he seemed to disappear. Sam
Last activity from this account is from five years ago. I have no idea who he is or what happened to him.